The flame of creativity is a never-ending source of the birth of the new. It is comparable to the spring sun, which with its warmth awakens nature and the inner world of the people. Polyptych ANIMA | SOUL tells about the flame of the creator, whose hands and soul give birth to a new work which becomes a reflection and at the same time an original message to the world. The author interprets clay as a symbol of the many-sided reflections of the external world, from which, as if from a working material, the future creation is formed. It passes through the potter’s circle of creativity, while the artists hands transform it into an artwork. Then it is annealed in a furnace of inspiration and after the artist’s final touch turns into a beautiful object. In the polyptych all stages of the creation of a new artwork are united by the soft contours of the female figure, which emphasizes the deep symbolism and sensuality of the women’s art.