A dream in a summer night

Bright landscape photographs by Sergey Tumasov along with Irina Akimova’s original pictorial fantasies lead the viewers to the ghostly world of dreams, in which there is a place for any unexpected transformations and plots. They are born right before the eyes of the viewer as a continuation and skillful addition to natural landscape threads. The angel of dreams comes from the burning heat of a summer night to bring to people the transformations of their own sensations, desires and hopes (ANGEL OF A SUMMER NIGHT). Somebody can wonder in the world where his dreams come true. Here, a small shed in the middle of the field grows into the a castle (CASTLE), a simple touch of a hand, like that of King Midas, turns the mountain ranges flooded with the sun into the gold bars (GOLD OF MIDAS).

Other people are brought by an angel of the dream into the country of fantasy, where the streams of the waterfall turn out to be wandering ghosts of the forgotten lake (GHOSTS OF THE FORGOTTEN LAKE), a sea fairy comes out of the water in a mystical bay (SEA FAIR), and a dry tree in the desert turns into a huge dinosaur, carrying threat and destruction (dinosaur).

The fine line of the unity between nature and human consciousness is extremely fragile and vulnerable, like a dream itself. Will we be able to preserve the magical harmony between the world and mankind , not just in a dream, but in reality? It depends on us…

Copyright © Akimova Art, 2021