Картина Ірина Акімової з циклу МУЗИКА, М. Равель, Болеро, увійшла до складу фіналістів на Art Show International's ABSTRACT, і буде представлена на міжнародній онлайн виставці з 15 лютого - 15 березень 2021 р

Сycle MUSIC. M. Ravel. Bolero.
Bolero’s melody is depicted in the form of five curving ribbons, reminiscent of interconnected burning candles. They reflect the main theme and four variations of Bolero. The author offers an association of the flowing, uninterrupted Bolero’s melody with the continuous burning of many candles, whose flames sway and become brighter and stronger along with an increase in the emotional intensity of music. The line of candles resembles notes. The height of the candles corresponds to the real notes of Bolero, and reflects the main musical theme of this work.
In the background of the picture, there are lines that resemble a stave. They remind of the rhythm that with a drum roll permeates music from the beginning to the end. The harmony of music develops and becomes complete and dominant, while new musical instruments join the main theme. Accordingly, in the picture ( down up) the background becomes deeper, candle flames becomes higher, new colors are added to the ribbon of candles , until all of them merge into the emotional fortissimo of the finale.