Possible not Possible

All our life we are bound in the system of coordinates «can – cannot», «allowed – not allowed». Such a system of restrictions allows many different people to coexist peacefully and develop the society. First and foremost, this «system» is intended to protect our personal security, since it prohibits to make harm to other members of the society. The set of ethical rules – «you cannot do it» – we get in the early childhood from our parents, along with the recommendations to seek some compromise within these restrictions. The «can – cannot» system evolves together with the society, its historical, political, social and cultural contexts.

Is it an instrument of development and diversity, or a limiter of freedom of thought and creativity? The «can – cannot» system describes the complex relationship between the state and the individual: from the liberal « what is not forbidden is allowed » to an authoritarian «what is not explicitly allowed, is forbidden». In science, «possible – not possible», is not related to its content, since a discovery always means to overcome conventional «it is impossible». Therefore, here «possible not possible» rather refers to ethics and mechanisms of scientific research.

What is «possible» and «impossible» in art? How do new approaches, new techniques, new topics generate new meanings? How do new art objects emerge from what was not considered as art in the past? Which problems within «possible–not possible» framework are considered by the contemporary artists?

What kind of transformations does this framework undergo in our dynamic era? What personal «cans» and «can’ts» become important to artists and reflected in their works?

Copyright © Akimova Art, 2021